“One Moment in Time” is a ballad written by Albert Hammond and John Bettis and produced by Narada Michael Walden for the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea. It was released as a single in August 1988 as the first single from the compilation album, “1988 Summer Olympics Album: One Moment in Time”, the soundtrack to the games – with “Love Is a Contact Sport” (from the 1987 album “Whitney”) on the B-side.
“One Moment in Time” was a commercial and critical success, reaching the top ten in several countries, including the #1 in the UK, Billboard’s “Adult Contemporary chart, and European Hot 100 Singles chart. The song was also a fitting tribute to the Olympic spirit, with Houston performing it live at the main ceremony of the 1988 Summer Olympics.
The video for the song is a basic collage of clips from previous Olympic ceremonies. The song video ends with the 1988 Olympic Cauldron blazing.